Washington Dental Hygienist Schools

Dental Assistant Schools

Online, Campus & Other Healthcare Programs Available

Washington has an excellent selection of dental hygienist schools to choose from. The dental hygienist schools in Washington that offer these programs are spread out all throughout the state, which makes it very easy and convenient for students that live in all areas of the state to be able to go to school. This program is offered at colleges, universities, community colleges, as well as technical colleges throughout the state. Since the program is only two years long this makes it easier for many of the smaller schools to offer it as a degree seeking program for their students.

About Washington Dental Hygienist Jobs

A dental hygienist has a unique job that requires lots of training and expertise in order to complete. It’s not a job that everyone or anyone would be able to handle because of the nature of what they do. The primary role of someone with this job is the cleaning of teeth. It’s also very important that a dental hygienist is educated so that they can help patients to improve their daily hygiene habits so that they can avoid having cavities, tooth decay, or potential gum disease in the future.

Job Outlook in Washington

The state of Washington has some of the highest pay rates for dental hygienists out of every state in the US. The city with the highest pay is Seattle where the average salary comes in right below $95,000 per year. The lowest paying city in the state is Spokane, which has an average salary of $72,500 per year. With there being so many cities that have a good amount of jobs available as well as high pay, this makes it very popular destination for those that graduate with a degree in dental hygiene.

Some of the cities that have the highest job availability in proportion to the size of the population include Bremerton, Wenatchee, Bellingham, Yakima, and Olympia. All these cities have very high average annual salaries with the lowest city being Yakima, which has an average salary of $83,500 per year. The cities in the state that have the most available jobs, just by sheer number, are Seattle at number one, Tacoma at number two, and Spokane and number three.