Alabama Dental Hygienist Schools

Dental Assistant Schools

Online, Campus & Other Healthcare Programs Available

Dental hygienists in Alabama are required to possess at least an associate’s degree from an accredited dental hygienist school in Alabama. Each state also requires dental hygienists to become licensed by the practicing state, and Alabama is no exception. Browse the list of dental hygienist schools in Alabama to see which program works for you.

About Dental Hygienist Careers in Alabama

The dental hygienist cleans our teeth. This dental care professional scrapes away plaque, tartar, and other substances from our teeth. Dental hygienist focus on preventative dental health measures. They teach us how to properly brush and floss. During regular scheduled cleanings, they apply fluoride to our teeth. This substance aids in preventing cavities. Another cavity fighting agent, sealants, are applied by these professionals. Taking x-rays is also a function of the dental hygienist. The dental hygienist gets the film ready for the dentist. In addition, the hygienist is able to diagnose and record some gum diseases.

Dental hygienists are regulated by each state. States have the authority to dictate the other duties that can be performed by this professional. For instance, some states allow dental hygienist the freedom to apply local anesthetics. Other states allow them to give anesthetics by injection. The duties vary from state to state.

Dental Hygienist Salaries in Alabama

Dental hygienist earn lucrative incomes. In fact, the average range is approximately $44,900 per year. Those who earn the middle figure make between $55,000 to $78,000 a year. The most highly paid dental hygienists in America make more than $91,000 per year.

Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.

Job Outlook

Incredible growth is expected in the dental hygienist field. The aging population retain their teeth longer, and they need preventative dental care. Jobs are expected to increase as much as 36% in the next decade. Unemployment is projected to be extremely low. Growing patient populations will stem from more seniors and very young patients.

Roles and Responsibilities

The dental hygienist must have good manual dexterity. Also, people skills is a must. These professionals work directly with patients every day. In addition, the ability to work in a team setting is crucial. The dental hygienist is a part of the dental team. Along with the dentist and dental assistant, the dental hygienist is an important dental care professional.

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