Arkansas Dental Hygienist Schools

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A degree from one of the dental hygienist schools in Arkansas can help you prepare to become a professional dental hygienist. Formal training at a dental hygienist school ensures you will have the necessary background and skills needed to perform in this profession. Dental hygienists who plan to advance further should pursue a bachelor’s or master’s degree.

About Dental Hygienist Jobs in Arkansas

It is best if we receive cleanings by the dental hygienist twice a year. This is good preventative dental care. In fact, the dental hygienist mostly deals with preventing tooth decay. They are trained to clean teeth with special equipment. This rotating device can remove both soft and hard materials from the surface of the teeth. Sometimes deep tissue cleanings are necessary. This process is not very pleasant for patients. It involves getting deep into the gum tissue.

Preventative care lessons are given by the dental hygienist. They show us how to accurately brush and floss for optimum dental health. In addition, the application of fluoride and sealants provide protection from decay. Dental hygienists are trained to diagnose gum problems. They simply record any problems they see. The more advanced duties performed by dental hygienists are regulated by the individual state. States decide what a dental hygienist can and can not do. For example, one state may allow them to inject an anesthetic. Another state will give them authority to apply a topical anesthetic. The authority given fluctuates by individual states.

Dental Hygienists Salaries in Arkansas

The dental hygiene professional earns a good living. In fact, the average dental hygiene professional in Arkansas makes $60,380 annually. The middle 50% bring in incomes ranging from $55,000 to $78,000. More highly paid dental hygienists make more than $91,000 per year.

Job Outlook

Job vacancies should increase in the years to come. This will be fueled by an expanding elderly population. Older Americans are keeping more of their natural teeth. Thus, preventative care will be needed. Also, parents are bringing in very young children for first visits.

Roles and Responsibilities

The dental hygienist works as a part of a team. Teamwork skills contribute to success. Also, dental hygienists must have excellent people skills. The patient interacts with them first. In addition, accuracy and skill are important in this career. A mistake can injure a patient.

Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.