Colorado Dental Hygienist Schools

Dental Assistant Schools

Online, Campus & Other Healthcare Programs Available

Colorado dental hygienists can get training from one of the accredited dental hygienist schools in Colorado, where they will learn the medical and scientific knowledge needed to perform as a dental hygienist. Students can pursue associate’s degree programs, or can enroll in bachelor’s degree programs for a higher level of education.

Browse the dental hygienist schools in Colorado listed below.

About Dental Hygienist Careers in Colorado

If you see your dental hygienist regularly, you can reduce your time in the dentist chair. In fact, you may be able to avoid the chair altogether. Your dental hygienist performs your cleanings in the dentist’s office. This involves scraping and polishing your teeth with special instruments. The dental hygienist must take care to avoid injuring the soft gums. Some cleanings require more advanced methods; this is usually performed by this professional also.

The dental hygienist is mainly concerned with dental health. Patients receive detailed instruction on proper dental care strategies. Simple brushing and flossing every day can virtually eliminate most tooth decay. Also, dental hygienists apply fluoride and fissure sealants to provide additional protection. These products can help prevent tooth decay for certain time frames. They must be reapplied at regular intervals.

Dental Hygienist’s Salaries in Colorado

The dental profession is a great paying profession. In fact, the average Colorado dental hygienist gets paid $74,820 per year. Other dental hygienists earn salaries ranging from $55,000 to $77,000 annually. Some even earn salaries exceeding $89,000 per year.

Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.

Job Outlook

The horizon for dental hygienists looks excellent. In fact, patient populations are increasing. More older people require dental care longer now. The retention of their natural teeth makes it necessary to receive dental care.

Positions and vacancies are expected to increase by more than 30% in the coming years.

Roles and Responsibilities

The dental hygienist functions as part of a dental healthcare team. Each member is critical. Thus, the dentist expects the dental hygienist to provide the highest quality of care. This includes customer service and dental care treatments. Patients have many choices of dental providers; thus, the dental hygienist must provide exceptional service.