District of Columbia Dental Hygienist Schools

Dental Assistant Schools

Online, Campus & Other Healthcare Programs Available

To become a dental hygienist in the District of Columbia you must be licensed to work as a professional dental hygienist. To get licensed, you must graduate from one of the dental hygienist schools in District of Columbia. A 2 year degree will qualify you to work in a private office, while a 4 year degree will allow you do to research or work in public health programs for the state of DC.

Browse the list of dental hygienist schools in District of Columbia to see what is available near you.

Overview of the Dental Hygienist Profession

Dental hygienists are one of the most rapidly growing careers in the U.S. today. They are licensed professionals who are the backbone of most dental offices. They perform everything that the dentist will not which included everything from cleaning to helping the dentist side by side with a patient who has a more in depth visit. Dental hygienists perform multiple duties like examining patients’ teeth and gums. They are the first people to look at the teeth of a patient and sometimes make recommendations to the dentist. They also develop dental X-rays to confirm or recognize possible problems with a patients teeth. One of the most important roles for a dental hygienist is to teach patients how to properly care for their teeth to prevent dental problems in the future.


The mean salary for a dental hygienist in the District of Columbia is approximately $90,500 annually. The average is based on the number of years of experience you have, so this number may be more or less. The salary for a dental hygienist ranges from $42,000 to $76,000 per year in the District of Columbia. Benefits usually include paid holidays, vacation and in some cases, bonuses are awarded based on the company performance.

Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.