Hawaii Dental Hygienist Schools

Dental Assistant Schools

Online, Campus & Other Healthcare Programs Available

Hawaii dental hygienist schools can help you enter the medical field as a dental hygienist, usually with around two years of training. Most dental hygienist schools in Hawaii will require a high school diploma or GED, at least a C average with courses in math, chemistry, biology and English. Many will also expect college level courses in chemistry, English, speech, psychology and sociology.

Explore the list of Hawaii dental hygienist schools below to see what programs are near you.

The Role of the Dental Hygienist

While dentists, more often than not, work on correcting problems that have already manifested for their patients, the role of the dental hygienist is to prevent any sort of oral disease in the first place and establish good oral hygiene practices. This is different from a dental assistant, who traditionally assists the dentist during appointments and maintains the cleanliness and order of the treatment rooms.

Dental hygienists are health professionals who have graduated from an accredited program in dental hygiene and completed the necessary requirements to be become licensed, which usually includes the passing of a national written and practical examination. Some hygienists will also perform the role of assistant, especially in a small practice setting, but most work relatively independently, complementing the role of the dentist.

No one likes going to the dentist. Despite all of the recent improvements in methods and equipment which have significantly reduced the pain and discomfort of treatment, it is simply never going to be high on anyone’s list of fun activities. This is what makes the work of the dental hygienist so very valuable. With proper cleaning from a skilled practitioner and education on the best practices for care at home, visits to the dentist can realistically be reduced to rarely more than semi-annual check-ups and cleaning.

Rewards of Being a Dental Hygienist

Everyone is concerned about the current state of employment. The good news is that the occupation of dental hygienist is one of the few actually expected to keep growing. In fact, it is predicted to increase by over 30% through the year 2018.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average mean salary for a dental hygienist in the state of Hawaii is approximately $68,080 per year. This is slightly below the national average of just over $69,280 annually. Actual wage per individual will, of course, depend upon education, experience and length of employment.

Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.