Kentucky Dental Hygienist Schools

Dental Assistant Schools

Online, Campus & Other Healthcare Programs Available

In order to work as a Kentucky dental hygienist, it’s necessary to attend one of the dental hygienist schools in Kentucky. There are several dental hygienist schools offering associate’s degree, certificate and advanced degree programs in dental hygiene.

Explore Kentucky dental hygienist schools to see what programs are available near you.

About Dental Hygienist Jobs In Kentucky

A dental hygienist’s job is to work on a patient’s teeth to help prevent diseases and to provide regular cleanings to help improve the appearance of the teeth. The job responsibilities for someone working in this field can be numerous, as most dentists rely heavily on their hygienists to perform much of the routine dental work. Some of these things include checking for cavities as well as gum disease, removing dental plaque, and taking x-rays.

Job Outlook In Kentucky

For many people, after graduating with a degree in dental hygiene, it is necessary to find a job. How much someone gets paid and the availability of jobs in a certain area is going to vary. Overall, dental hygienists in Kentucky earn on average around $57,020.

Another thing that needs to be considered before someone tries to get a job in a certain area is how many jobs are available for the number of people that are applying. The cities of Lexington and Louisville have an average amount of jobs available for applicants. The city of Owensboro has a higher number of jobs available compared to the number of people applying. This is important to pay attention to for anyone that is currently looking for a job in the state of Kentucky.

Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.