New Jersey Dental Hygienist Schools

Dental Assistant Schools

Online, Campus & Other Healthcare Programs Available

Dental hygienist schools in New Jersey can take anywhere from one year to two years to complete. You can study at a community college and obtain your associates degree or you can study at a technical or vocational school. See what New Jersey dental hygienist schools are enrolling.

About Dental Hygienist Careers

Choosing a career is not a simple task. If you are in the process of making a decision as to what you want to do with the rest of your life there are many career paths you can choose from. Dental Hygienists are in high demand and work great hours in nice, clean, friendly environments. Many dental hygienists learn a majority of their skills through work experience. If you feel that a job in the dental field is something that you would enjoy it is definitely worth looking into.


In order to obtain admittance to a dental hygienist program there are some requirements. You will need to have a high school diploma or a GED. Many programs require that you take some type of entrance examination.

Many dental hygienists learn a great deal through hands on experience and working closely with a dentist. Hands on experience are something that is invaluable. It is a great idea to begin working in the dental field while you are going to school.

Responsibilities of a Dental Hygienist

Dental Hygienists have a variety of responsibilities. In many cases the hygienist will be responsible for communicating with supply companies and ordering necessary supplies. They also work with dentists to evaluate patients. They can be responsible for:

  • Evaluating patients for gum disease
  • Cavity Prevention agents such as fluoride
  • Placing filling materials
  • Teaching oral hygiene
  • Taking impressions of patients teeth
  • Documentation of office visits
  • Screening of patients new to the office
  • Completion of patient charts


The average salary for a dental hygienist is approximately $60,000 for a full 40 hour work week. Many Dental Hygienists work part time.