New Mexico Dental Hygienist Schools

Dental Assistant Schools

Online, Campus & Other Healthcare Programs Available

Dental hygienist schools in New Mexico offer certificate, diploma or associate degree courses. To enroll in one of the New Mexico dental hygienist schools, one would need a high school diploma with at least two science subjects and math. Some schools may also require that one have at least one year of college education as well. See what dental hygienist schools in New Mexico are available.

Job Description

Dental hygienists play an important role in the oral hygiene of patients who visit dentists. Within the practice, the dental hygienist is concerned with preventative measures that mitigate oral disease and other adverse oral conditions. The oral hygienist works with the dentist to assist patients not only deal with preexisting dental conditions, but circumvent future ones through the promotion of oral hygiene.

In addition to this, the dental hygienist also carries out certain procedures in the dental setting. These include administering anesthetics and radiological tests. These specialized tasks however, are outlined in the specific state’s licensure guidelines for dental hygienists.

Training and Financial Aid

In all states and in the District of Columbia (except Alabama), licensing is required before one can practice as a dental hygienists. In New Mexico, this licensing is administered, as in other states, by the American Dental Association Joint Commission on National Dental Examinations. This is on completion of a dental hygienist training course in one of the New Mexico dental hygienist schools.

Financial aid is available to needy students through the financial aid offices in these schools that act as liaison offices for government and non-government funding programs.

Employment, Job Outlook and Earnings

Once completed, employment opportunities are mostly in private dental practices. However, public institutions like hospitals also hire dental hygienists. Due to the flexible nature of the job, with most being hired on a part time basis, it is possible for one to hold jobs in multiple practices simultaneously. As one considers this, it is important to also note that advancing one’s education in this field may open up more opportunities such as teaching and research jobs.

With over 170,000 dental hygienist jobs recorded in the US in 2006, there are numerous opportunities. Moreover, the increase in demand for preventative dental health has seen more and more dental practices hire more than one dental hygienist at a time. Earnings are in the range of between $44,000 for the least paid and $91,000 for the highest paid, per annum.