Tennessee Dental Hygienist Schools

Dental Assistant Schools

Online, Campus & Other Healthcare Programs Available

A dental hygienist in Tennessee is required to have either an associates degree or certificate in dental hygiene. Many people receive their bachelors or masters degree from one of the dental hygienist schools in Tennessee, which does increase chances of promotion or higher paying jobs. Once a student graduates they must be certified to practice in the state that they intend to work in. See what dental hygienist schools in Tennessee are enrolling near you.

About Dental Hygienists

Dental Hygienists usually work in private dental offices in which they work one on one with patients. They provide information about oral care for patients, including the type of toothbrush, tooth paste and floss to use. They also check the gums and teeth for problems, such as disease. In some states, the dental hygienist will administer local anesthesia if it is needed, as well as perform tests for the dentist to evaluate later.

Employment Outlook

The unemployment rate for dental hygienists is very low. In fact, the job outlook for dental hygienists is expected to increase by 36% by the year 2018. There is an estimated 60,000 or more jobs that will become available for dental hygienists by the year 2018. More employment opportunities will be available in higher populated cities and urban areas when compared to more rural areas.

Salary Outlook

The median salary for dental hygienists is $66,570. Many people may earn more or less depending upon their job location. Many dental hygienists are paid hourly, salary per day or on commission depending upon their employer preference. Most dental hygienists work part time or full time, this once again depends on the hygienist as well as their employer. Also, many hygienists may work at more than one dental office.