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Texas Dental Hygienist Schools

Texas requires dental hygienists to have a minimum of an associate degree in dental hygiene from one of the dental hygienist schools in Texas. Associate degree programs usually take around two years to complete, though many students go on to earn higher-level degrees. This paves the way for more job opportunities. Texas dental hygienist schools teach dental practices, life sciences, and some general education.

A list of dental hygienist schools in Texas is available below.

About Dental Hygienist Careers in Texas

The dental hygienist works alongside the dentist in a dental office. While the dentist focuses on problems, the dental hygienist can work to prevent problems from occurring. Decay is the enemy of the tooth, and the dental hygienist tries to fight against this threat.

Although cleaning teeth is a primary duty of dental hygienist, these professionals participate in other important dental care. For example, the x-rays of all of your teeth are done by the dental hygienist; this professional is trained to read the x-ray. This technician records the results and provides this information to the dentist. Moreover, the dentist uses this information to develop an individual treatment plan.

In addition to cleaning and x-rays, the dental hygienist performs other duties. One such duty is in the laboratory. Crowns, and dentures are made in the lab, and the dental hygienist may work on these devices. The variety of the dental hygienist profession is one of the advantages of the profession.

Dental Hygienist Salaries in Texas

Most dental hygienists in Texas earn around $67,190 yearly. A middle range dental hygienist salary can be estimated around $55,000 to $78,000.

Dental Hygienist Job Outlook

The future is promising in dental hygiene. The increase in the senior population will stretch the current dental practices around the nation. Retiring dental professionals must be replaced.

Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.