Wisconsin Dental Hygienist Schools

Dental Assistant Schools

Online, Campus & Other Healthcare Programs Available

A dental hygienist in Wisconsin must be licensed by the state. In order to obtain this license, a formal education is needed at one of the dental hygienist schools in Wisconsin. A dental hygienist can graduate with an associate’s degree, bachelor’s degree, master’s degree or certificate. The most common form of education is an associate’s degree. Which ever type of degree is pursued, the Wisconsin dental hygienist school should ideally be accredited with the American Dental Association. See what dental hygienist schools in Wisconsin are enrolling today.

The Role of Dental Hygienists

Every six months comes a teeth cleaning. It is the dental hygienists job to administer that teeth cleaning. Not only do they do teeth cleaning, but also perform other duties. Those duties include, but not limited to, preparing sealants, applying fluoride, teeth polishing, taking x-rays of the teeth and gum and teaching the patient about oral hygiene. Some dental hygienists, if licensed, can also administer anesthesia.

Career outlook in the state of Wisconsin

According to Occupational Outlook, the dental hygienist profession has a growth rate of 3.1 percent. The average annual salary is $55,069. Annual job openings in the state of Wisconsin average 210.

Financial aid

There are many ways to obtain financial aid. Depending on income, the government has Pell grants. There are scholarships to be searched. The government gives out subsidized and unsubsidized loans. The dental hygienist institution can give out student loans. However, with student loans, they have to paid back. Grants and scholarships do not have to be paid back.