Arizona Dental Hygienist Schools

Dental Assistant Schools

Online, Campus & Other Healthcare Programs Available

Dental hygienists in Arizona are required to both have a minimum of an associate’s degree and be licensed. It is required for dental hygienists to attain an degree from an accredited Arizona dental hygienist school. In addition, Arizona must render a license before the dental hygienist can practice.

The associate’s degree usually takes about 2 years. Some students that intend to advance attain a bachelor or master’s degree. Explore the list below to see what dental hygienist schools in Arizona are available near you.

About Dental Hygienist Schools in Arizona

The dental hygienist is usually the first person seen by the patient at the dentist office. Patients are greeted by this professional, and the teeth cleaning is performed. Sometimes the x-ray exam will precede the cleaning. This trained professional is able to remove hard and soft substances from the teeth. Most of us receive personal care instructions from the dental hygienist. We are told how to correctly brush and floss our teeth. In addition, cavity preventing measures are performed. For example, fluoride and sealants are usually applied by the dental hygienist.

Also, the dental hygienist is able to record gum diseases present in our mouth. In some states, the dental hygienist can also apply an anesthetic. Others allow the dental hygienist to inject the anesthetic. States have authority to determine the extent of services performed by the dental hygienist.

Roles and Responsibilities

The dentist depends on excellent care from the dental hygienist. A dental hygienist must be professional and courteous. These professionals have considerable contact with patients; thus, the dental hygienist needs good interpersonal skills. Accuracy is important. The tools used by dental hygienists allow for little error.

Dental Hygienist Salaries in Arizona

A lucrative salary accompanies the dental hygienist job. Average salaries for dental hygienists are $66,000. The middle percentile make between $78,170.

Job Outlook

Statistics state that jobs will increase by 36% in the dental hygienist profession. An increase in older patients will fuel some of the growth. Also, younger patients are also expanding the population base. The next decade promises fast growth. Dental hygiene professionals should experience low unemployment rates.

Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.