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San Diego Dental Hygienist Schools

Standard requirements for San Diego dental hygienists include acquiring an associate degree from one of the dental hygienist schools in San Diego. These education programs offer associate’s degrees or certificates, and sometimes advanced dental hygiene degrees.

See the list of San Diego dental hygienist schools below to see what programs are available near you.

About Dental Hygienist Careers in San Diego

Your dental hygienist can be one of your best friends. They help keep your smile beautiful. Dazzling smiles can really improve your appearance. Of course, healthy teeth and gums are more important than appearance. Dental pain can cause an abrupt stop to daily activities. Thus, good consistent brushing and flossing are very important. Dental Hygienists emphasize the importance of daily good habits.

Dental hygienists also keep instruments and tools sterile. They prepare the dental exam room for special dental procedures. The dentist depends on support from the dental hygienist to operate the office smoothly. Many dental hygienists work in the laboratory. Crowns, dentures, and other dental appliances are made in the lab. Some states license the dental hygienist to perform more complex dental procedures. The state has the ultimate authority over the duties of the dental hygienist. Thus, it best to check with your state to determine the standards for dental hygiene positions.

Roles and Responsibilities

The dental hygienist is a partner in the dental practice. This individual plays a key role in the delivery of dental care. A dentist looks for a dental hygienist that can deliver high quality of service. Together the dentist and dental hygienist work to provide exceptional dental services to the patient.

Dental Hygienist Salaries in San Diego

Dental hygienists in San Diego earn competitive dental hygienist salaries. Graduates fresh out of school can be paid around $66,490 per year. This is the average salary for a dental hygienist in San Diego. The middle group of dental hygienists earn salaries between $54,340 to $78,678 per year. Specialists in dental hygiene earn $90,000 or more.

Job Outlook

The future looks good for dental hygienist professionals. Jobs should experience extensive growth in the coming years. Baby boomers will make up the major portion of patients. They tend to keep their teeth longer and need more preventative care.