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San Antonio Dental Hygienist Schools

Most Dental Hygienists in San Antonio, Texas attain their position through an Associate’s Degree program at one of the dental hygienist schools in San Antonio. Associate’s programs are offered at many of these schools, usually being completed within two years on a full course load. Also available are bachelor’s and master’s degrees in dental hygiene, which typically take four and two years to complete, respectively.

See the list below to find San Antonio dental hygienist schools near you.

About Dental Hygienist Careers in San Antonio

When most people think of dental care, they generally think of dentists and orthodontists, people possessing advanced degrees and specializing in very specific areas of dental care. However, a functional dental practice would be incomplete without the support of teams of dental hygienists, trained professionals who have a wide range of skills and knowledge relating to dental care and good oral hygiene. While many of their duties consist of preparing and examining patients visiting a dentist, the dental hygienists are also important specialists in their own right and will often undertake many oral care procedures on their own. Additionally, they are the first person a patient visiting a dentist’s office will meet and are very involved in the preliminary planning for treatment procedures. Due to their flexibility and wide range of expertise, dental hygienists can also be found in places that would not normally retain a dentist, such as hospitals, elderly care facilities, and schools.

Salary and Benefits

Average salary for a dental hygienist in San Antonio, Texas was about $58,000. Pay varies from job to job and generally increases with experience and seniority. In addition, many workplaces offer additional benefits such as healthcare plans, vacation time, pensions, and 401K/403b plans that make the job even more worthwhile.