North Carolina Dental Hygienist Schools

Dental Assistant Schools

Online, Campus & Other Healthcare Programs Available

Dental hygienist schools in North Carolina are designed to help students gain the education they need to join the workforce as dental hygienists. These programs last from one to two years and cover topics in dental practices, life sciences, and hands-on skills. See what North Carolina dental hygienist schools are enrolling.

Dental Hygienists: Overview and Employment

Dental Hygienists are involved with patients in a one on one basis. Therefore, its important the a person like to meet and socialize with new people everyday in order to for the career to be satisfying. Dental hygienists inform patients on proper teeth and gum care, such as how to floss, the type of toothbrush to use and whatnot. In some states, dental hygienists on top of their normal duties also administer local anesthesia to patients if it is necessary. Many time hygienists work side by side with dentists and assist them however needed.

The unemployment rate for dental hygienists is very low across the United States. It is predicted that employment will rise by 30% by 2006. And by the year 2018, there are expected to be an addition 60,000 or more jobs nationwide. In the state of North Carolina, the employment for dental hygienists are higher in more populated areas such as Charlotte, Raleigh-Durham or Asheville. Less populated areas still have dental hygienists jobs, however they are not as in demand.

Salary Outlook

The median salary for dental hygienists is $66,570. However, for those working in more highly populated areas, that amount could increase. Likewise, for those working in less populated areas, the amount may lower. The amount will also fluctuate based on part time or full time positions, and being paid a salary, hourly or on commission.

Education and Training

A high school diploma or its equivalent as well as scores from the SAT or ACT’s is required to enter into almost any post-secondary school. Once accepted, students will then begin their studies of classes such as chemistry and biology towards their degree. Once students have graduated, they need to get licensed by the state in which they plan to practice. This will involve a written and an oral test.