Rhode Island Dental Hygienist Schools

Dental Assistant Schools

Online, Campus & Other Healthcare Programs Available

Dental hygienist schools in Rhode Island include community colleges, vocational schools, and junior colleges. Rhode Island legislates the necessity of the dental hygienist to possess an associate dental hygiene degree. This degree must be from a school accredited by the American Dental Association. Attaining a higher degree in dental hygiene can lead to many more advanced opportunities. See what Rhode Island dental hygienist schools are available today.

About Dental Hygienist Careers in Rhode Island

Dental hygienists are employed in dental offices. The primary function of this position is patient education and cavity prevention. Dental hygienists use a variety of methods to accomplish this. They clean and polish teeth. In addition, they apply fluoride and sealants to cracks in the teeth. Panoramic x-rays are done by the dental hygienist.

These dental care professionals work side by side with dentists. They provide support during various dental procedures. The dental hygienist is trained to sterilize equipment, prepare the room, and perform office duties.

In addition, some states allow dental hygienist to perform sutures, temporary cavity fillings, and give anesthetics to the patient.

Dental Hygienist Salaries in Rhode Island

The money as a dental hygienist is pretty good. In fact, there are not many careers that offer this pay rate and short training time. A licensed dental hygienist in Rhode Island can expect to earn $64,000. This is an average salary figure. Entry level dental hygienist start out with around $53,000 per year. There is the opportunity to increase to salaries over $90,000.

Job Outlook

Now is definitely a good time to prepare for a career in dental hygiene. Research indicates high levels of growth in the next several years. More dental hygienists will be hired. Your future as a dental hygienist looks especially bright. Unemployment rates are expected to be very low. This is a good field to pursue.

Roles and Responsibilities

Quality is important as a dental hygienist. The job requires the professional to pay attention to best practices. This protects both the patient and dental hygienist. Also, courtesy and people skills help to make the dental experience more enjoyable. Dental hygienists often establish long relationships with patients and their families.

Financial Aid

The maze of financial aid can be confusing; however, the process is not that difficult. Students should start by submitting a FAFSA application early in the school year. This will possibly open doors for government funds. Your counselor can help you find other resources.