South Carolina Dental Hygienist Schools

Dental Assistant Schools

Online, Campus & Other Healthcare Programs Available

Dental hygienist schools in South Carolina may be community colleges, career schools or junior colleges. These schools offer degree and certificate programs in dental hygiene designed for students seeking to join the workforce as dental hygienists. See what dental hygienist schools in South Carolina are available by using the list below.

About Dental Hygienist Careers in South Carolina

Each year more and more individuals are moving into the field of dentistry in the role of dental hygienists as the demand for their position increases dramatically. As people live longer, retain their natural teeth or require cosmetic procedures the need for dental hygienists in offices around the country has surpassed the amount of qualified professionals available.

In some areas the demand is so great that one dental hygienist might float between different offices to assist; imagine being the go-to person when a dentist needs help in the office, what a sense of accomplishment that will instill in you! So what does a dental hygienist do? You will be surprised at the list: remove hard and soft deposits from teeth, take x-rays, remove tartar, examines the gums and, in some states, administers anesthetic prior to surgical procedures and removing sutures.

Roles and Responsibilities of Dental Hygienists

If it sounds like you will be working alongside a dentist performing important procedures all day then you have read correctly. As dental offices become inundated with more patients each year they rely on qualified and caring dental hygienists to assist with and expedite their heavier workload.

These individuals also prepare the dental chair for incoming patients, review their charts with the dentist beforehand, and are often responsible for the follow-up paperwork and speaking with the patient about any further concerns. In many offices they are responsible for educating the patient on better dental hygiene practices and how to execute them at home.

Salary Outlook

Studying to become a dental hygienist in South Carolina is a lucrative investment in your future; on average, the annual salary is $60,000 per year according to In two years or less you can be well on your way to finding a position that is both mentally and financially rewarding.