Virginia Dental Hygienist Schools

Dental Assistant Schools

Online, Campus & Other Healthcare Programs Available

Many dental hygienist schools in Virginia require you to take a test to get in. Each programs requirement has to do with the state that the school is in and the regulations. It is important to make sure when you are applying to school that the school you are going to will prepare you for the requirements expected by the state you plan on working in. See what Virginia dental hygienist schools are available nearby.

About Dental Hygienist Jobs

If you have ever given any thought or consideration to becoming a dental hygienist there is no better time like the present to get started. Well trained and educated Dental hygienists are in demand. Working as a dental hygienist is a great career move. You will have the opportunity to work in a healthy, clean and friendly environment while helping people at the same time. In order to become a dental hygienist you will have to gain some formal education. Each state has different rules and regulations as to what you will need before working a dental office or clinic. In some states it is more common to get most of your training while working on the job while in others you will be required to have some schooling first.


The average salary for a full time dental Hygienist in the state of Virginia is approximately $60,000 depending on the office you are working in and the amount of hours per week that you are working. It is very common for a dental hygienist to work part time in two different dental offices.


Before going to school to become a dental hygienist you will have to have your high school diploma or GED. Once you have either one of these you will be able to apply to a community college where you can study to become a dental hygienist while getting your associates or you can apply and take classes at a vocational school or dental school. Either way you will be able to graduate with the necessary credentials to become a dental hygienist.