Wyoming Dental Hygienist Schools

Dental Assistant Schools

Online, Campus & Other Healthcare Programs Available

Dental hygienist schools in Wyoming are not difficult to find. Community Colleges as well as vocational schools and dental schools offer programs for Dental Hygienists. These programs can take anywhere from one to two years. Some of the programs require that you take a test to gain admittance into the program while others do not. The program prerequisites as well as requirements all depend on the state in which you are planning on working.

Explore the list below to see what Wyoming dental hygienist schools are enrolling near you.

About Dental Hygienist Jobs

There is a huge need for trained and educated Dental Hygienists across the country. If you have ever been interested in becoming a dental hygienist, there is no better time than now to get started. Dental hygienists work closely with dentists to provide the most comprehensive care to their patients. Many dental hygienists learn the most from working side by side with a dentist. Dental Hygienists work in clean, friendly, professional environments and communicate daily with patients, other dental professionals and supply personnel.

Responsibilities of a Dental Hygienist

Dental Hygienists have a great deal of responsibilities. Below is a list of things that you can be expected to do while working in a dental office or clinic as a dental hygienist.

Teach proper dental hygiene
Assist with sutures
Communicate with supply companies
Take inventory of necessary dental supplies
Assist with dental procedures
Work with filling agents
Prepare patients for treatments and visits
Record patient data and keep charts up to date
Taking X-Rays
Developing X-Rays


If you are planning on working full time as a dental hygienist in the state of Wyoming you can expect to make approximately $62,000. Now it is not always easy for a dental hygienist to find work in a dental office or clinic for 35-40 hours per week. It is very common to find that dental hygienists will split their time between two dental offices therefore working full time hours while working part time jobs. If this is the case for you do your best to find jobs with flexibility.

Education Requirements

Many dental hygienists learn the most of what they know by working closely with a dentist and some true on the job training. When you do being school you should really do your best to find a part time job working in a dentist’s office to gain some experience and background knowledge on the subjects that you will be studying.