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California Dental Hygienist Schools

Before a dental hygienist can practice in California, the person must have a degree from one of the accredited dental hygienist schools in California. These programs take about 24 months to complete, and cover topics ranging from general education to hands-on dental hygienist skills.

See the list below to find out what California dental hygienist schools are enrolling near you.

About Dental Hygienists Jobs in California

Dental health can affect physical medical conditions. Research has proven this. Dental hygienists specialize in preventative dental care. A visit to the dentist will earn you a spot in their chair. In fact, two cleaning visits per year is ideal. Dental hygienists are trained to clean teeth. Attention to detail is definitely helpful in this profession. Instruments are used to remove plaque and tartar buildup on the teeth.

Fluoride and sealant treatments are also applied to the teeth. These agents act as preventative measures against tooth decay. Dental hygienists provide patients with lessons on proper dental care. Proper brushing and flossing habits are vital to dental health. Some states allow additional advanced duties to be practiced by dental hygienist.

States have the ability to mandate the duties of dental hygienists.

Dental Hygienists Salaries in California

Pay is good in dental hygiene. In fact, the salary is highly competitive. Dental hygienists can expect to earn around $91,010 a year in California. More experienced dental hygienists can eventually earn salaries exceeding $95,000 per year.

Job Outlook

As other medical fields, the dental profession is projecting enormous growth. The demand is expected to steadily increase in the next ten years. Jobs could increase by as much as 30%. This is a good time to prepare for a career in dental hygiene. Jobs will be readily available.

Roles and Responsibilities

Dental hygienists have a duty to provide excellent dental care. Courteous and professional treatment is highly desirable by patients. The dentist depends on the dental hygienists do treat patients well. A poor experience with a dental hygienist can affect the patient negatively. This will influence who they choose to provide them with dental care.

Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.